Wednesday, December 10, 2014

App Smash and "My Best Self" for RULER

Students worked in small collaborative groups using iPads to create Word Clouds describing their "Best Self."  A variety of apps were used in the process. Students had the choice of typing their descriptive words directly into Word Clouds, or dictating their words into the Dragon Dictation App and pasting the resulting words into Word Clouds. Individual clouds on the iPads were then uploaded by students to Drive for gathering together and easy access from all computers. These clouds are just Step 1 in a larger project.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Haiku

Second grade students celebrated Halloween by creating their own haiku and poems. They used Pixie to illustrate their Haiku. Speaking and listening are critical Common Core skills, and students exceeded expectations as they recorded their voices in the way they imagined the haiku should sound. This class project was gathered together and exported in various formats, such as a movie and a printed book, as well as an audio eBook to be able to share with everyone.

QR codes of the various movies were shared in the classroom and in the hallways so that all could enjoy the movies easily. Feel free to email me for the QR codes or information on how to do it for your class. Enjoy!

For More Student Haiku Movies: 

To download eBooks to be opened in iBooks on an iPad: Brown  Rankin Stefanini

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Educreation in Math

This is a lesson where students were explaining geometry terms such as parallel and perpendicular. Students used the camera on their iPads to capture pictures of examples around the school. They then used Educreations, a white board app that can record the screen while you write and talk,  to explain and show the lines.

 This is a great beginner app because it is so easy for students to learn, yet has a plethora of uses in the classroom!

Friday, October 10, 2014

RULER: Feeling Words

Students were introduced to Pixie by selecting a "Feeling" word and illustrating the emotion. We combined them to make a movie to show to parents and other classes.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Using Padlet for Internet Safety

Today students did a review of Internet safety. To brainstorm and share safety tips, we created a Padlet to post tips for eachother. A Padlet is an online platform that allows students to attach "sticky notes" in real time. The sticky notes can be texts, pictures, links, a file, slideshow, and just about anything! Because this was our first time using Padlet, we just typed in text. Here is what we came up with so far!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Students Celebrate Dot Day

September 15th marks Dot Day! To celebrate the anniversary of Peter Reynold's book, The Dot, we read the book and then students created their own masterpieces!