Monday, November 30, 2015

Wampanoag Poster Project Using Prezi

What is a Prezi? A Prezi is an online format to create presentations on a "zoomable canvas" rather than the traditional linear format of presentation tools such as Powerpoint.

A third grade class used online Prezi for their poster project. Working in small groups students used both computers and iPads during the project depending on what was available. By creating the "Prezi" on the iPad, students were able to add movies from pre-selected sources, as well as create their own images in the app "Drawing Pad." Students could also draw and paint on paper and take a photo of the image with the iPad to use in the Prezi.

Students learned about copyright issues and checked google images "usage rights" before selecting a searched image. Students used their google docs to keep track of resources used.

Visit the classroom site for the complete set of the students' first Prezis! Just be aware they may take a while to load--

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